March 12, 2014

Wednesday Wish List {it's all in the bag!}

Happy Wednesday friends!
Sorry I've been laying low, but I have been battling the flu for over a week
now and today is actually the first day I been able to make it through the
morning with out a nap!
I'm back with another Wednesday wish list!! This wish list today is forever
changing. I like to say I have a problem with purses.... Meaning I tend to
"collect" them rather than use them all the time! I see one I like and if it
stays on my mind long enough I get it! But, I also get very attached and
don't like changing purses each week.... I'm just funny that way, same goes
for my wallets, love to buy all different kinds, but I tend to stick with the
same one until it's been beaten up!! Please tell me I'm not the only one!!
So here is what's on my wish list for this week! Something new for Spring?

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
I could probably find an excuse to have to all five, but explaining to my
hubs why.... yeah, not so much!
Which is your favorite?

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