March 15, 2014

Saturday Dreamy {Louis VX Armoire}

Happy Saturday friends!!
The weather in CT is finally feeling normal! Hoping this is a sure sign that
spring is near!!
I'm stopping in real quick to share this amazing piece I discovered at a local
antique shop. I almost fell off my seat when I saw this beauty!! I think you
will love her too....

I can't even get over the exquisite beauty of this piece!
What I wouldn't give to have this in my bedroom!! Not only is the flower
detail amazing, but it is large enough to store clothing, blankets and maybe
even our TV!!
This armoire is currently up for auction.... I'm sure it will be a show
stopper..... I would love try my hand at the bidding, but not sure my budget
 will allow it. How fantastic would it be to have her in our home?
Ahhhhh.... I'll just keep dreaming!!
What are you up to this weekend?

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