March 5, 2014

Wednesday Wish List {bakers rack}

Happy Wednesday friends!
I'm back with another Wednesday wish list...
If you follow my posts you know I am in the process of updating our
dining area.... If you missed those posts you can find them here and here.
So as I've mentioned before our dining space isn't very large and there is not
really a lot of room for furniture. I did find a lovely corner piece that I adore
and is perfect for the space but now I have the other corner of the room with
a large wall that really needs to be used for more storage but I can't make up
my mind as to exactly what I want to put there. I really don't want another
corner piece and I don't want a large hutch.... I has planned on putting up
some open shelving, but I'm still on the fence....
The one look I am really loving these days are bakers racks. I came across
some really lovely ones on Pinterest. Here are just a few on my wish list.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
I love the look of these... The only problem for me is one, the size.
 Most of the ones I have found online that
I really like are all about three or four inches to big! So frustrating!!
And two, cost! Many of these are priced in the thousands which is way over
my budget and you really don't see many of these popping up on
Craig's List to often....
So in the mean time I will keep searching.... If I can't find a bakers rack
that's on my wish list I will have to settle for some inexpensive
open shelving!
Until then I will be back soon with another update on our second hallway
gallery wall....
Thanks for stopping by and have a great rest of the week!!

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