August 2, 2013

Update {Craig's List Find}

Hi there! Sorry I've been MIA for a couple of weeks! Trying to get things in order while starting a new part-time job and being a mommy kinda took over! But I'm back and with a new Craig's List find!!
How cute is this vintage school desk?? Not sure just how old it is exactly, but it's adorable and for $25 how could I resist??!!! I had originally planned on painting it and putting it in my son's room, but now I'm not sure... As you can see from the picture my daughter has made it into her "homework" desk as she calls it and I sort of like how it looks against the chalkboard, but not completely sure yet.... I've also gotten used to it natural "worn out" color that makes it so unique so I may just hold off on painting it. I may just use some Anne Sloan chalk paint on the legs and keep the top as is...
What do ya think??

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