July 22, 2013

DIY {Chalkboard Art}

Have you ever seen something on online or on Pinterest that you absolutely adore and would do anything to have but it's just not something that's sold or available?? This happens to me all the time, especially with Pinterest. Most of the time it's an item that's out of stock or a piece of art work that was created but not for sale! Well this is how I feel about this chalkboard art I found on one of my favorite design blogs Milk and Honey Home. I love this because it's unique and simple. Unfortunately it was not something that is sold anywhere that I know of so I decided to try and replicate this look myself. The first thing I did was search for a barn wood chalkboard. I found mine here. It wasn't cheap, but it was the exact size and style I needed and I was ok with purchasing it because I knew it would be something that I could change often....
Once my chalkboard arrived the next step was to create the monogram. This part is super easy and I didn't have to purchase anything because I had all the supplies I needed. I used stencils and real chalk. I didn't use a chalk pen here because I liked the faded look of the regular school chalk.

I'm going to be honest here and tell you that I didn't measure anything and just eye balled where I thought the monogram should go. Mistake number one! Measure, measure, measure!! I ended up having to do the stenciling twice because my husband pointed out that the letters were not centered! So please do yourself a favor and MEASURE!
 I then laid out my stencils and then placed them on the chalkboard and used painters tape to keep them from moving and just colored in the stencils with my chalk. I sharpened the chalk just to make it easier and it also helped with getting nice clean lines. I also used a wet Q-tip to take off excess chalk where needed.
And here is how it came out....

It's not exactly perfect, but the great thing about it is I can change it anytime I want! It's hanging in our bathroom right now until I find a better spot.
Do you have any chalkboard art in your home?

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