September 14, 2012

Strawberry Donut Hole Kabobs.....

Another excellent idea found on Pintrest.... I made these for our family picnic on Labor Day weekend and the kids LOVED them!! They were super easy to make and transport! Just be sure to cut the sharp end of the kabob stick once all the strawberries and donut holes are on it!
All you need are 2 packages fresh washed strawberries, tips cut, 50 munchkins. You may have a few extra! And finally kabob skewers. Your local grocery store should carry them. I found mine in the baking isle.
To assemble I started with a munchkin first then a strawberry. I was able to fit three munchkins and two strawberries on each stick, but you can arrange they how ever you wish depending on the size of your strawberries!

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