August 19, 2012

Gracie's Big Girl Room ~ Wall Gallery

Getting ready to reveal Gracie's new "Big Girl" room. Here is the wall gallery that inspired the decor of the entire room..... The room is almost complete, just waiting on window treatments and final touches. Everything you see her I created myself, except for the "G" which came from Ballard Designs.... And the LOVE painting which I found on Etsy. The mirrors and small oval frame are from IKEA and I just added my own touch by painting the mirrors to match the decor of the room. I got the idea for the letter N (for Nicolina, my daughters first name) and the smaller G (for Grace, her middle name) here. Finally the two pictures of Gracie I made very easily by using Mod Podge and a canvas, I used this tutorial. Now it time to go to my WALL ENVY board on Pintrest to figure out how to actual get all these things on her wall! Wish me luck!!

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