April 4, 2014

Favorite Home Friday {Magnolia Mom ~ the farmhouse}

Happy Friday friends!!
Hoping you all had a great week! I'm gearing up to run in my very first
half marathon this Sunday so I've been laying low and trying to conserve
energy and prep myself for a long journey of thirteen miles!! YIKES!!
That number is just frightening!! I know I can do it just have the
first race jitters!!
Today I'm introducing a new feature... Favorite Home Friday.
Each week I will share a home I have recently fallen in love with or a home
I just seem to fall in love with all over again....
The home I am sharing today I discovered on Instagram.
This home happens to be the home of Magnolia Mom, Joanna Gaines.
She and her husband can been seen on HGTV's show Fixer Upper. To
find episode info go here.
If you haven't checked out Magnolia Mom I highly suggest you take a look.
Joanna is truly talented and her home is amazingly gorgeous!!
Here is a sneak peak at some of my favorite rooms of her home.
*Please pin images from original source*

Are you done drooling yet??
I adore this home....
I still can't get over the old closet doors in the girls room and the coffee
bar in the upstairs living room!!!
Ahhhhh.... thank goodness a girl can dream!!
You can check out the complete farm house tour here.
Enjoy and have a fabulous weekend!!


Your comments mean a lot so please share!! I'll be sure to answer any questions I can!!