March 18, 2014

Time for a Make Over {the master bedroom that is}

Hi friends!!
Hope you are having a great week so far! I'm feeling better and I've been
busy planning spring projects. One major project is updating our master
bedroom. The room has really been neglected since we purchased our home
six years ago and is really in desperate need for a make over!!
I have changed my mind so many times regarding the paint color I wanted
in this space, but one particular look just keeps popping up.... Not only in
my head, but on my Pinterest board too!! So I decided to create a mood
board to get me started, but I figured I should show you what our bedroom
looks like this very moment. Please forgive the poor quality picture as the
room is very small and I can barely get a photo of it.... And please excuse
the lack of dé I said it is a neglected space for sure!!
Yes I know.... pathetic. Have no fear I have a plan!!
Here's what I have put together so far....
Hope you like it!!
I had wanted to paint the walls a darker color, but the room is so small
I fear it will be less romantic and more coffin like if I were to go to a
dark dramatic color, so I'm opting to go a bit lighter with the wall color and
leave the drama for the night stands and the walls.....
The "to do" list for the room is pretty much simply painting the walls and
nightstands, new lighting, bedding and mirrors for over the night stands.
I'm hoping to get on this ASAP!!
Do you have a neglected room in your home???
Please tell me I'm not the only one!!! If you do I'd love to hear about it!!
Have a great night and I'll be back tomorrow with my Wednesday wish list!


  1. oh no your not, Im tackling the same problem. Ive had the same decor(if any) since we bought our home 4 years ago.

    1. Haha!! That makes me feel much better!! Thanks for the comment!! :)


Your comments mean a lot so please share!! I'll be sure to answer any questions I can!!