March 20, 2014

The "Mini" Home Tour {enter here}

I'm back!!
Two posts in one day!! I'm so excited to show you this before and after
that I just could not wait until tomorrow!! I finally finished our other
hallway wall today. I am so pleased with this transformation. It took some
time for me to figure out what exactly I wanted on this particular wall.... It
is the very first wall you see when you walk into our home and I wanted it
to be special... I want people to feel welcome and at home when they see it.
I didn't want just "any" thing on this wall. It took thousands, ok hundreds of
pins on Pinterest for inspiration and I finally decided on the most perfect
layout for this wall. Here are two before pictures to give you an idea
of exactly what type of wall I was dealing with here.

That electrical outlet was a real issue for me. Every single time I
would look at this wall it was all I would see and it bothered me to no end!
The first thing I had to do was change the paint color. The color in the first
photo is Wheat Bread by Behr. It's also the color in our dining room and
living room... The color is great in our living room, but I just do not love it
in our dining room and I hated it on this wall...
So, with inspiration from Bre at one of my favorite blogs, Rooms for Rent,
I decided to go with Horizon by Benjamin Moore. I love this soft blue, gray
color!! I can not wait to paint the dining room in this color!!
So.... now that I had the perfect paint color for this wall it was game time!
Here is what I decided on and I hope you love it as much as I do!!

What do you think???
I love the white frames with the colored photos! I was going to do the
photos in black and white, but I really wanted them to stand out... and not
to mention the pictures are just breath taking.....
Now it's not the electrical outlet my eyes are drawn to, its the brilliant
photos and the X & O letters!! I could not be happier with the end result!!
Ok, on a whole other note how about my "pink" cabinets??!!
That is my first summer project!! Those babies will be painted and I have
decided to tackle it myself! I vow they will be white by the end of the
summer if not sooner!!!
We have so many other things to get done, but here is just a glimpse of what
I need to accomplish before I can even think about getting started on the
cabinets!! I want all the little things completed first and here are just a few.
And this is just what needs to get accomplished in this little area!!
I still have the master bedroom to tackle too!!
I thought I would share some more photos of this area of our home....
It's the very first room when you enter and it's the most high traffic area.
I'm glad it's coming together, but as you can see from the photo above,
I still have much more to do!!

That's about it!! Hope you enjoyed this mini tour of our entry area...
I'll be back soon with more updates and photos!!
Stay tuned and thanks for stopping by!!


  1. It looks great! The letters really distract from the outlet. I think i might use this idea if i ever run into something like that. Plus i love the whole look.

  2. Thanks so much! It took me a long time to finally decide on something and getting just the right frames was a hassle too, but I'm so pleased and I'm glad you like it too! Thanks for stopping by!!

  3. Lisa, first of all you have a beautiful name. Second of all, I think I shall be spending my weekend poking around your blog, because in these photos I see many things I need to investigate further! Your home is so creative and interesting!! I love what you did on this wall (the photos are just LOVELY, and the gold XO - yes!!!) plus the scale of the grouping is so great from floor to ceiling. Thanks so much for sharing on Best of the Nest so I could find you and your blog! Looking forward to reading more over here!!!

    1. Thank you so much Lisa!! You truly made my weekend!! I will be posting more photos next week when I finish painting the master bedroom! So happy you find inspiration here!! Stop by again soon!!

  4. Great job! I really love the paint color...looks very light and peaceful.


    1. Thank you Pat! The hallway color is Horizon by Benjamin Moore! I'm getting ready to paint the dining room that color as well... I will post more pictures soon! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. I love your house! It's warm and comfortable and your kids will be happy that they got to grow up there. I am actually taking notes of things I love in it to try for my own home. Especially love the X and O mixed in with the photos.


    1. Hi Jenny!! Thank you so much for stopping by and for the very kind words!! You are too sweet!! The feeling you get when you look at photos of my home is exactly how I want my guests to feel when they enter!! It's important to me that my kids are a part of my décor in some way!! After all it is their home too!! Thanks again for stopping in and please do come back soon!!

  6. Thanks so much for the mini tour Lisa! LOVE the XO by the light switch - it's perfect for bringing a cohesive look to your mini gallery wall! And the rest of the space looks so open, warm, and friendly - love your style!

    1. Thank you so much Kris!! The XO is my favorite too!! So glad you feel at home here!! Please stop by again soon!!!


Your comments mean a lot so please share!! I'll be sure to answer any questions I can!!