February 26, 2014

Wednesday Wish List {corner cabinet}

Happy Wednesday friends!!
Today is "wish list" Wednesday once again here @ Gracie Blue!!
If you missed my first post on this series you can find it here!!
Last week I raved about my wish for a white kitchen. Today we are taking
my wish list to the dining room.... Our dining room has taken on many,
many changes since we purchased our home almost six years ago. I really
wasn't focused on function when we moved in, all I wanted was this huge
farmhouse table from Pottery Barn! I envisioned endless parties and dinners
being hosted in our dining room and was more concerned with just having a
large table in the room rather than the over all function of the room in
regards to our immediate family and lack of storage space in our little
cape style home. So you understand lets take a walk down memory lane...
Here is our dining room just one year ago...

Looking at these photos now really gives me anxiety!! It's funny, every
single piece of furniture in this room has been sold on Craig's List!  It's
crazy how something you absolutely LOVE one day you can't stand the
next! That is exactly what happened in this space!
I am in the process of painting and re-creating the space so until then here's
a picture of our dining room just a few months ago.

This lonely space is screaming for function! So on my wish list for this
room is a nice antique corner cabinet of some sort. The room is not large
and with the two corners and two windows it really doesn't give way for a
whole lot of furniture so a corner cabinet would add function and character
to the space! Here are just a few on my wish list!


                        Neat right? Having a piece that is actually built to be placed
in a corner is perfect and will save so much space while adding tons of
storage! Now the only thing left to do is find one within my budget!
Wish me luck! Make sure you stop back soon to see the dining room all
restyled and finally functional!!
Enjoy the rest of your week!!

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