February 3, 2014

Decor Dilemma {Hallway Re-do}

Happy Monday friends!!
Yet again another snow day....
I hoping all this cold and snow will bring for a nice, dry summer!!
I decided to share with you a project that has been in the making for some
time now. It's an area of our home that has the most traffic and the least bit
of function.... It has five doors and two very small walls that are, to say the
least, extremely hard to work with.
Yup, you guessed it. The one and only hallway in our home.
We live in a small cape and when we purchased the home we got rid
of a lot of walls and made the first floor an open floor plan. This one
hallway leads to our one and only bathroom, the master bedroom, the office/
mudroom, the basement and a very small linen closet. One of  the walls also
happens to be the wall directly across from the front door so its the first
wall you see when you enter....
That being said... lets get to the pictures.....

Ok, pretty sad right.... I actually just re-painted and
this is what is looks like today....

I love this wall color and I think the stripes add interest and a little depth.
This wall is so very hard to work with because of all the electrical units so
I am in the process of putting up the gallery wall... not an easy task,
especially with an nineteen month old running around!
I also need a great light fixture to brighten up this space a little more and
also a runner to make the tiny space feel a bit more cozy....
Here are some of the ceiling mounts I am loving right now...

These last four are all from Shades of Light and I wish I had room for them
all!! My favorite has to be the crown, but I'm not sure it will work with this
space.... I have a lot of decisions to make! I also need to find the perfect
photo arrangement for the wall across from the front door....
This picture remains in my head but I just need to find a smaller and
inexpensive way to replicate it.
{source unknown}
I love the look of black and white and the fact that there are no frames
to disrupt the theme.... They also seem to be a collage of pictures from
one specific event....
Stay tuned to see what I end up putting on that wall and the hallway update
coming soon!!
Happy Snow Day!!!

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