January 24, 2014

Healthy Me {turkey chili}

Hi all!!
Still trying to keep warm here in Connecticut but it seems like it's a never
ending battle of single digit days!! I'd like to say that it truly bothers me
and that I would love the warm summer weather, but I'm not going to lie
I like to think of this weather as the "prelude" to summer days! What I'm
trying to say is I like to see these type of cold winter days as the
preparation for the warmer months.... I eat right, workout at least every
other day and just keep thinking that six months from now I'm going
to be glad I did as I sit at the pool (in my bikini) and actually enjoy
the summer months!!
Let's face it being in great shape all year long is hard work and takes time,
consistency and effort. Why not put in all that effort now while its freezing
 (literally) and enjoy the warmer months without having to worry about  that
 day when  "OMG its 80 degrees
and nothing fits!!"
So to help make it a little easier for you I'm going to share my "healthy"
turkey chili recipe with you... Ok, so it's not exactly a "chili", but it's
yummy, low in fat & carbs and high in protein! Just what you need to
be healthy and help shed those "winter" pounds!
Healthy ME ~ Turkey Chili
Non-fat Cooking spay
2 tbs olive oil
1 large onion ~ chopped
2 tsp Goya minced garlic (or two fresh garlic cloves minced)
1.5 lbs Lean Ground Turkey
1 8oz can Tomato Sauce
1 tbs Dijon Mustard
1tbs Tomato Paste
Goya Adobo Light Seasoning mix ~ to taste (about 2  or 3 tsp)
Italian Seasoning ~ to taste (two or three shakes from the bottle)
Salt & Pepper ~ to taste
Spray large sauce pan with non-stick spray add olive oil and heat.
Chop onions and sauté about 3 or 4 minutes.
Add minced garlic sauté about 2 minutes (do not burn).
Add ground turkey to pan and cook through.
Once turkey is no longer pink, drain excess fat and add tomato sauce and
the tomato paste. Stir through and add all seasonings and Dijon mustard.
Cook and let tomato sauce reduce ~ about 5 to 10 min.
Serve with sour cream and cheddar cheese and enjoy!
Like I said, not your usual "chili" recipe, but it takes delicious and it's
totally good for you!! I like to eat mine with green beans, but for you carb
lovers and some brown rice and you have a perfectly balanced meal!!
Enjoy and be healthy!!

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