December 11, 2013

Merry Mail {DIY Holiday Greeting Card Holder}

Happy Wednesday Day friends!!
I feel like there is just not enough time in the day! We finally got our trees (yes I said "trees"). Very long story and I will get into more detail on that topic on Friday when I post my Cozy Christmas House Tour!! So don't forget to check back here on Friday!
Today I want to share a super simple way to display all those holiday greeting cards you get in the mail. There are tons of ideas all over Pinterest but today I want to share my version! All it take is some ribbon, a hot glue gun, a Command Strip Hook and some mini clothes pins and you will have a cute little greeting card display! And the best thing about this holder is it's not "permanent" and will come of the wall clean and easy! And second you can literally hang this holder any where in your home!!
Let's get started!!
Here is what you will need:
 (1) Command Strip Hook for each holder you are making (I used this one but you can use a stronger Command hook if you like!)
Hot Glue Gun (I use this one)
 11 yard roll Ribbon of your choice for each holder you plan to make.  (I used 3.8cm x 3.6cm and is perfect)
2 7/8"  Clothes pins (you can find these at any craft store or here)
* The first two steps do not have to be done in this order. The pictures are to help you get an idea of how I actually did this!*
First you want to put your command hook upside down.
Next you want to hot glue a very long strip of your ribbon under the "hook" of the Command Strip. This length of the ribbon will depend on how long you want you holder to be. The longer the ribbon, the more cards you can hold! It's completely up to you!
The pictures below do not have the longer strip off ribbon because I wanted  you to be able to see exactly how I tied and hot glued the ribbon to the Command Strip hook!
First you want to make your bow. Tie a knot with some of your ribbon around the actual "hook" part of the Command Hook and hot clue it on the top part of the hook.  You can glue the back part as well but it's not necessary. This part can be tricky so I used a plastic cup to help me out!

After the glue has dried through simply hang you Command Strip hook where ever you like!! It's that simple!

Please excuse the lack of a door knob! Some things just have to wait!!

Easy right??
What do you so with all your holiday cards??

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