November 16, 2013

Thankful.... {Fall Window Display}

 Hi friends.....
 I had planned on doing an update post about our dining room changes, but once again being a mommy came first. Our son fell off a chair and once again landed on his head.... So ambulance ride number two (yup within three months!!) and yet another trip to the ER. This time I was getting my oil changed. For some strange reason we are never close to home when these things happen!! Thankfully his is doing fine and for that I am truly grateful... I know my mom was watching over him for sure....
That being said I thought I would share a view I look at least a hundred times a day if not more!! It's the view out of my garden window in the kitchen.... I love having a cozy little space to put pictures and special items that mean a lot to me in any particular moment or a fond memory.... My most favorite memory of my mom is her handwriting. I have a recipe in her free hand framed along side pictures of my parents and I... I have a pictures of my husband and I, my babies, of our parents and grandparents... I also have a cute little calendar display I picked up at a local country store. I picked up some garden frogs found on Etsy and a glass cloche I just purchased from Farmhouse Wares that I just adore! And how couldn't I display the adorable birthday card my Gracie gave me... She's a week early but I just love her thoughtfulness and the heart is pretty excellent for a five year old!!

For all these things I am thankful... But most importantly thankful for this day and that my baby boy is ok...
What are you most thankful for?

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