September 3, 2013

Cupcake Family Tree {Offical End of Summer}

Holy September already??!! Where the heck did August go?
Well.... It's the official end of summer and our little girl is officially not so little anymore.... Our Gracie had her first day of Kindergarten last week.... She did such a great job. It's still so hard to believe that I had her almost five years ago!! Gosh I feel old!!
And here she is....Sparkly shoes, leopard hat and all!!
As Labor Day has come and gone I thought I would share a special cupcake family tree I created in honor of my husbands 60th Family Picnic. It's a weekend celebration that brings together more than 100 family members on my husbands maternal side of the family. It's the one time of year where we all get together, eat, drink and share stories, memories, laughter and tears all weekend long..... For us this is the "official" end of summer...
This tree took me a total of eight hours to create, bake and ice and it was worth every second! It was the least I could for such a special family!!
A little history on this family tree....
It all started with my mother in laws grandparents that migrated here from Italy. Rocco & Carmella made their home in the United States and had nine children which are represented by the nine apples on the tree....
From the "original nine" as everyone in the family refers to them, has evolved a growing family of 158 (and counting) and I am honored to be able to say I am a part of it!!
Happy "Official" end of summer!!!
How did you spend your Labor Day??


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