This past week our daughter Gracie had her 5th birthday, which also happens to be her "Golden Birthday" as she turned five on September 5th!!
Everyone has at least one golden birthday, its a fun little thing that my husband mentioned and I just rolled with it!
So if you know me you know I LOVE a party and more so love throwing a party. Getting things together, coming up with a theme and bringing things to life is really my passion. The one thing I have always done since Gracie's first birthday is make her birthday cake and cupcakes. I really want my kids to grow up and look back and say "Wow, Mommy went all out for us for our birthday!!" Growing older should be a joy and creating those memories should be just as fun!
This year we decided to keep it a little low key and had her party at a local gymnastics facility, but I let Gracie choose her "theme" and she asked for a mermaid cake and cupcakes (not too much pressure!).
So, without further adieu, here are some cute memories from Gracie's Golden Birthday. I will give you info on how I make her cupcakes at the end of this post!!
Cute right? The cupcakes were super easy!
The shell cupcakes were made with white Oreos. All I did was very carefully take them apart and then just used the tip of a sharp knife to draw the lines of the shell.... for the oyster shells, again I used white ores. I added some hot pink icing and a gum ball for the pearl! Then I chopped up some graham crackers to make sand!! Pretty simple, but takes patience and some time!!
Anything for my "golden" girl!!!
Have a great week!!!
Have a great week!!!