July 9, 2013

Tuesday Tip {Using Painters Tape}

Happy Tuesday all!! Not sure about you but I am pretty much DONE with all this hot, sticky weather! Don't get me wrong I love the summer months, but when its almost 100 degrees everyday with 90% humidity it kind of takes all the "fun" out of summer activities.
That being said I've been in doors the past couple of days looking at things around the house that need to get done and I've been staring at this one empty wall in my living room. If there is one thing I can't deal with its empty walls! Ever since we made over our living room there are two walls I have been agonizing over. This one wall in particular is in an awkward place. The door to our sun porch opens into it so shelving or any large storage pieces are out of the question (been there, done it, no goodski!!).
So I found the perfect piece of wall art from one of my favorite Etsy shops with this saying....
 I love the meaning it holds and I want to hang it in a place where my children can read it and learn from it everyday....
I love the look of this framed piece from Rosenberry Rooms but it comes with a VERY high ticket price and really doesn't take up a great deal of space.... So that is out of  the question! I really do adore this quote and think the perfect place is on that empty wall in the living room! Yup, the wall that I have been dwelling on for a good four months now. It's the perfect high traffic area that has a great view from the kitchen, back porch and seating area in the living room!
I wanted the wall art to be large and make a statement but wasn't sure of the exact measurements I needed/wanted so I decided to use painters tape to map out exactly where I wanted it and then just take the measurements from there! Tiffini @ The House of Belonging does custom pieces so I will send measurements to her and see what she can do!
  Such and easy little trick that I have used so many times. It comes in really handy when you are trying to see exactly how something with look on the wall or how large a piece of furniture will be in an area.
What walls are you having issues with?


  1. What a wonderful quote!! I love how you marked the wall to see how big, great idea! Thanks for your comment on my blog!

    1. Thank you so much Mindi!! I can't wait for the sign to come in..... 9 weeks, but well worth the wait!
      Thanks again for checking out my blog!!


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