May 20, 2013

New Living Room Update {The Reveal}

Finally.... On a rainy Sunday, our new living room is almost complete.
This whole entire process took months. Literally. It all started with a Pinterest inspiration board and some blog searching. When I came across Jill Hinson's blog Forever Cottage, I knew that I needed help getting started and I loved her home and her decor style so I contacted her and this is what she came up with and I fell in love....
I truly believe that without Jill guiding me along the way this room could never have turned out the way it did!
Thank you so much Jill!
If you would like Jill to design a room for you go here!
I am really embarrassed to even post these before pics, but you need to see the disaster that was "before".
Here is goes.....

.... Yes I know. What was I thinking??? How I lived five years like this I will never know!

I LOVE this room!! I get up in the middle of the night just to peak at it!
All I have left to do is install the lanterns!! The ones I had my heart set on are on back order so it's another waiting game until I can find something I adore!
This living room "update" if you will did NOT happen over night and it literally took months to come together. I changed my mind 1,001 times but in the end it all came together. The only way an update like this will work is if you have three things. Patience, a reasonable budget and inspiration and mine came from hours of exploring Pinterest and blogs.  
This room is functional, pretty, cozy and is complete reflection of me and my style and I could have not have done it without Jill Hinson!
Thank you so much Jill! I hope you love it as much as I do!!
...... And last but not least a great big thank you to my hubby for trusting me and for letting me do whatever my heart desired and for spending an entire Sunday putting up frames. Not once, but two times!
Stay tuned.... our new dining room update coming soon!!!

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