May 1, 2013


Happy Wednesday all!
I have a quick post about a DIY project I attempted over this past weekend and it actually came out pretty good! I didn't take many pictures because honestly it was way too easy!
I picked up one of those small unfinished stools at IKEA for my kitchen a few weeks ago and the other day I came along this post on Pinterest (I mean really where else?!!) and I thought what an adorable idea, so I took a go at it and I am really very happy with how it turned out! I used some extra paint I had on hand from when we re-painted the bathroom (much more on that later!). I was going to spray paint the stool at first, but I was in a rush of course and I just decided to paint it. The base white color is white dove by Benjamin Moore and the for the words I used my favorite color right now, Moonshine by Benjamin Moore. It's a great, gray/green color that isn't to harsh. More honesty here, I didn't even bother sanding or priming the stool. It was very smooth when we purchased it and I just did two coats of the white dove....I did wipe it down first because after sitting in my office for two weeks it did collect some dust!
The next step was pretty simple too. I pick two fonts I loved and used carbon paper to trace it on the stool. There was some carbon marks left around the letters, but I just painted over it with the white paint. Then I filled in the letters......Pretty simple. Took me all of 45min. I was very careful when filling in the letters and I used three different sized brushes.
The final step was just to spray paint over the words with clear coat. You will want to make sure you don't skip that step if you plan on actually putting the stool to use!
And here it is!

.... Have I told you I LOVE IKEA.... & Pinterest???

1 comment:

  1. Gracie Blue : Ikea Stool ~ {Diy} >>>>> Download Now

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    Gracie Blue : Ikea Stool ~ {Diy} >>>>> Download LINK

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    Gracie Blue : Ikea Stool ~ {Diy} >>>>> Download Full

    >>>>> Download LINK ex


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