March 11, 2013

Obsessed!! {Chalkboard Tags}

Happy Monday!!!
So once again it's been a crazy couple of weeks. The office is almost done. Sadly at the present moment it is being used once again as a storage room until we are done painting and updating our living room (more on that soon!!) and finding a place for every little thing in the office. Not an easy task at all....
As I was searching the Internet for fun organization ideas for the office I came across this shop on Etsy and did a complete 360 and ended up back into my kitchen to make some cute updates....
I am kind of obsessed with chalkboard anything these days and I just had to have these!!
Aren't they adorable??!!
Get yours here!!



  1. These look wonderful, Lisa! Thanks for the feature!


  2. Thank you Gabrielle!! I adore those chalkboard tags so I just had to share!!
    Thanks again!


Your comments mean a lot so please share!! I'll be sure to answer any questions I can!!