February 24, 2013

Office Update {Mudroom Bench Complete}

It's been a crazy few weeks over here...Can't believe it's almost March!! My husband and I have been at Ikea busy trying to get the office/mudroom finished. We are almost there! The mudroom part with the built in is finally painted and complete! Thank goodness that's over with! I am officially done painting anything for a while! That was a big job, but well worth the effort. The office furniture is in after being on back order and delivered to the wrong address (yes a nightmare)....And after a couple trips to Ikea the room is almost complete. Just need to hang a few shelves and waiting on the rug to come in. I should have pics of the final reveal soon!! In the mean time here is the before and after of the mudroom section!
*Notice the adorable pillows?
You can find the post on those here
Happy Sunday!!!

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