February 3, 2013

Just DO It... Mind Over Matter....

The last few days have not been very productive for me. The office is painted and I am just waiting for the furniture to arrive.... In the mean time my home looks like a storage rental space and it kinda drives me CRAZY!! So I'm sitting at the computer browsing on Pinterest and I came across this.
It's a post by a great blogger Taralynn. It was just what I needed to hear. With all that has been going on (parties, long work days, sick children) it's been hard to stay on track with my new years resolution and taking care of myself and getting back in shape....It's been so hard to "talk" myself into working out and I just need to put my mind to it and JUST DO IT!!!! I know I will be happy I did!! So if your in a rut, just put your mind to it and you will get it done!! MIND OVER MATTER!!
~Happy Sunday!!

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