January 7, 2013

JJ's Nursery Update....

I did some small DIY projects in JJ's nursery....
The framed letter "J" is a wood letter I picked up at Micheal's and painted red. The cute blue frame I picked up at Home Goods on the sale rack for $7.99!! A STEAL! I had other intentions for it, but when I saw how it matched perfectly with the wall color and bedding I knew exactly what I was going to use it for. The chevron piece with the smaller letter "J" (also from Micheal's, painted yellow) is just an 8x10 canvas. My chevron pattern is a bit off, but I did it free hand so not too shabby if you ask me! The other 8x10 canvas I painted blue and painted JJ's hand prints on it. Getting him to Not put his hands in his mouth with the paint was probably the most challenging part, but the most fun part of the whole project.... I found the inspiration here.
You can find tons of other cute "little man" ideas on my Pintrest board here.
I will have complete room update and sources up soon!!

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