October 20, 2012

One Room..... Three Functions

It's been a crazy few months. Our son JJ is over four months old already and growing fast.... Where does the time go? I've been spending a lot of time trying to figure out what to do with our daughters old room. It's not a large space at all and we actually took out the original closet to give the room additional space. Because it is an "extra" space I want to be sure that first and foremost it's functional. We live in a small cape with a small addition on the back and a cute sun room that we still need to work on but more on that later.... Our basement is finished and is mainly our playroom and my workout space with our laundry room and well. We just finished the upstairs and now both kids have brand new rooms up there....... So, what to do with the "extra" room. I had always envisioned that space as MY office/craft space. A "mom cave" if you will, a space all mine..... Ok, back to reality..... Then I thought maybe making it into one big walk-in closet because my husband and I share one dresser and one small closet, but that would not work because we really need an office space......That being said the one and only major problem with our home is lack of storage space. When you walk into our home you enter directly into the dining room and there is no place for coats, shoes, bags or anything else that finds it's way into our house..... With lots of thought and about a thousand pins later I finally came up with the idea to make that extra space to function as an office, mud room and small closet all in one, but it must be cozy and stylish all in one! A tough job for such a small space, but I think I found some excellent solutions...... And here is what I came up with....Hope you like it!!


Your comments mean a lot so please share!! I'll be sure to answer any questions I can!!