July 19, 2012

It's been a crazy few months around here...... Between the new baby and all kinds of parties and getting ready for my friend's wedding (that I happen to be in!!) it's so hard to keep up with posts (not to mention this is all very new to me).
I've decided to chronicle my weight loss journey. After having two kids and being put on bed rest for high blood pressure with my second I am back to where I started 15 years ago. I am currently 10 pounds heavier that I was when I decided to start loosing weight and taking better care of myself. I was a junior in high school and struggled with my weight all through childhood. And now I find myself feeling the same fears and challenges. This is the starting point I vowed NEVER to let myself get back to..... and so here I am, back at the starting line.....Here is a picture of my goal that is my motivation....... Me on my honeymoon.
Wish me luck!!

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