April 21, 2016

Spring Home Tour {White Kitchen Reveal}

The time has come...
I am finally sharing my white kitchen reveal.
This was literally months in the making. Last year at this time I was determined to paint my kitchen cabinets white. I was so tired of looking at maple pearl cabinets, so with plan in hand, I set my budget, my goals and I didn't give myself a time line. I knew what I wanted and I knew that it would be something that I was tackling on my own (with some help from the hubby of course) and I promised myself that I would follow through! Well here we are, almost one year later and my farmhouse kitchen is almost complete. I will break everything down for you in my next post. I will tell you all the details, including before photos, sources, how long it took me to complete, what everything cost me, how my cabinets are holding up and the last finishing touches that I need to get done. For the most part the big item details of this kitchen are complete and I did it myself and so can you!! I will fill you in on all my secrets and why I decided to do it myself and not hire someone.... I'm sure you can figure out the most logical reasoning to that, but there is no greater feeling in the world then putting your mind to something and completing it!!
I've made you wait long enough... I won't bother with all the small talk right now because you have a lot of photos to view.... I may or may not have gone a tiny bit overboard... 
Sit back, relax, grab something sweet and welcome to my white kitchen reveal. If you have any questions just leave them in the comments and I will most certainly reply! 

Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my white kitchen reveal!
I hope you love it as much as I do!!
Don't forget to subscribe by email to be sure not to miss a post!
I will be sharing the details of my white kitchen makeover soon!
Have a great week!!

Linking up with: 

Bloom Designs

Stone Gable Blog


  1. Just love it all, especially the brick. Is is real brick, tile or some other medium? I am moving soon and would love to duplicate it, but I am going to a rental, so will have to see what the landlord says.

    1. Hi! Thank you so much for your kind words! The brick is actually a thin brick veneer we purchased at our local tile distributor, but I'm sure you can find it online!

  2. Love your kitchen. I have fallen in love with your island:o) Well done!

  3. That brick back-splash! Oh my GOSH! Your kitchen is beautiful! And can I just say, how nice to see a pinterest pic that actually links to a related post...... sometimes the pics have absolutely no connection to link they lead to which frustrates me to no end, but your pic lead me to a FANTASTIC read! Thanks! :)

    1. WOW!! So happy you are here! I don't always get a great deal of comments so I am so glad you found me and thank you so much for your kind words!

  4. What a gorgeous kitchen,i just love it!! You have done a wonderful job,congratulations on a job well done :)

  5. Lovely kitchen!!!! Where are the brackets on your shelves from? Thank you in advance. :)

  6. Beautiful! I liked the cabinets before, but since you have wood floors the cabinets look even better in white. That was quite a project to take on!

  7. I was also wondering about the shelves that replaced the cabinet, are they IKEA? I started reading about your white kitchen reveal in another post that said you were giving details about your cabinet paint color, how you did it yourself and how they held up...but I could not find a link to that details post :)

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  9. Unleash your creativity with Do It Yourself Kitchen Cabinets! I'd like you to please discover how to build, paint, and personalize cabinets that suit your style.

  10. The white kitchen looks absolutely stunning! Such a fresh, clean look for spring—can’t wait to see more of your home tour!

  11. Mid Century Modern Kitchen Cabinets are a perfect choice for those seeking a balance of style and practicality. Mid Century Modern Kitchen Cabinets


Your comments mean a lot so please share!! I'll be sure to answer any questions I can!!